Mission 1- Creativity Product:

The Art Of The Animated GIF's.   

For our final product we produced our presentation on the topic of ‘The Art Of Animated GIF's’For our first mission we were given a lot of recommended reading to do to give us an insight or guidelines to follow when creating our final piece which was our GIF’s and our Slideshow.
We made this assignment in two weeks, It took us time to figure out each other’s hopes for the final product but I think at the end we got what we wanted which was to understand GIF’s and how to make them and were there derived from. I believe this topic gave us the chance to explore a topic that we would of never before.

When starting this project we all decided to join the slack channel:


Being a part of this class we were to join a website called ‘SLACK’,  this website which is an instant messaging programme , which has different channels that allow you to connect with people by using hashtags to speak about different topics. By joining this channel it gave us insight on other groups in our course who decided to do this topic as well. This platform gave us the opportunity to be able to communicate with others with problems or questions that we had or faced throughout the process of this mission.
We used PowerPoint when making our slideshow, so myself Sean and Andrew all made our own individual PowerPoint and then we chose the best parts from each one and placed them together to create our final piece. I found this process very interesting because it showed how differently we all viewed the idea of the GIF’s. But also some parts we viewed the same which was funny as we would end up repeating each other.

When making our GIF’s and slides we used all the resource on the Intro Digital media page. By using these resources it helped a lot because at first when brainstorming this idea I was finding it hard to come up with a concept for  a whole ‘project’ to be based on these ‘Animated GIF’s’ but after reading the resources and bibliography section it helped me understand what to do. As it gave you basic guides on what to do and what to focus on.

By doing all of this research came interesting information like:
 This here is the first known GIF from 2002 which was from the video game ‘Super Mario Bros’ 

§  This here is one of the most known GIF’s on the internet:

§  GIF’s are over 30 years old
§  They started to become popular in the early 2000’s but then started to become more popular because of social media in 2010’s.

What I found out about GIFS are:
§  I found out that there used for web design and animations.
§  They are used mainly on all social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, twitter and snapchat.
§  They are used online to convey emotions through funny images and clip videos.
