Mission 1- Creativity Reflection:

 The Art Of The Animated GIF's


What I wanted To Accomplish:
For this mission I hoped to accomplished being able to understand and be able to make my own GIF’s. I also wanted to be able to create a good slideshow which would portray my knowledge on all my research of this topic.

What I Actually Accomplished:
I feel like when making this assignment I had no idea how to create GIFS or where they came from but I feel like I’ve a completely different outlook on this now and I really have came full circle with my knowledge on GIF’s and the history behind them.

What I Learned Along The Way:
I learned so much when making this mission. I learned how to be apart of a team, at first I found this very daunting as meeting new people and discussing topics which you normally wouldn’t can be quiet scary but after this mission was completed I feel like it brought me out of my shell, and now I’m more freeing when approaching new people. So this is great as its preparing me for future missions. I also learned basic skills on using PowerPoint as I hadn’t done this before , which I already know this will benefit me when doing other coursework and assignments. I learned a new skill which was Gif making. For the world that we live in as its so social media/ technologically based I will be able to use this for the future.

How I learned along the Way:
I really tried to put my all into this mission as I found the topic ‘ The Art Of The Animated GIF’s so interesting. I knew I would never be approached to do a project based on this so I really tried to fully understand every aspect of it.  

My accomplishments that I have for this mission is how we worked as team and also how our product turned out. I’m very proud of how we got on in this assignment. Considering our group had never spoke to each other before I felt our communication was great!
When first getting into a group we decided to make a WhatsApp groupchat so we could discuss everything that we did and didn’t want to portray. Even when we had different ideas every single person was heard and there idea was taken into consideration. Which I feel is a great strength to have in a team.

Obstacles I faced at first was my piece I was to write about which was on GIF Files, as I had never heard of them before and I found this quite scary as it sounds extremely daunting at first but after reading all of the information on line it was extremely understandable.


A challenge I found was creating an idea for a original GIF as I found that most ideas were taken but after walking to college I just took video of the sun and it seemed to fit our task.
